On Wednesday the US airways has announced that they are not going to perceive any merger opportunities. But since then they are in strong and full reliable position, if inspite of this any merging conditions arise then they are ready to receive the invitation. Doug Parker Chief executive of the US airways said that the basic goal of the company is to run on consolidation as a single stand alone company. This step will provide a great chance to maintain its strength and continue its profitability.
Doug Parker said that they have a large extent of share holders and the new creation can be done during the process. Parker in a announcement said that US airways has to be involved if there is going to be any merging within the four major air carriers itself, Delta, American and United.
The other three airlines can not do anything without the support of the fourth. US airways Shares more than eight percent of the quarterly results following the profit and loss scenario. America West the former airlines of Parker has created the US airways with the merger in 2005
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