Out of fifteen puppies which were loaded in American airlines have been found dead
Due to heat wave generated inside the American airlines. It was really a dangerous accident this was said by the airline officials. Puppies were loaded in cargo section which is one of the three sections in which the plane has been divided the temperature raised above eighty five degree centigrade at Tulsa’s airport, temperature has changed of the airport as well as inside the airport.
Loading the puppies seems to violate the airport policy to provide safe and secure travel of animals; the policy says that animals or pets cannot be accepted when the temperature is above eighty five degree centigrade at any location of the airport or airlines.
Temperature related conditions are imposed to ensure that the pets or animals are not exposed to heat or cold in the animal holding area, terminal facility’s when moving the animals between the terminals and the airplane or an aircraft waiting to depart,this is said by airlines on its websites.
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