Hong Kong-based plane leasing firm LCNC and the Indonesian Sinar mass group are in the regular talks with each other to buy the Mandala Airlines which has been covered uptill his neck due to the debts of market. To recover these debts it is being solded by the airlines and bought by the Indonesian companies. Due to these conditions the airlines has ceased its operations just two weeks ago.
This closing of the operations from Mandala Airlines is red signal for other airlines companies who are operating in the region for passengers to take from one place to another. This has been said by the Herry Bhakti Singayuda at Indonesia’s transport ministry on the Friday evening in front of the people.
This is expected that the airline will be reporting to the government that when this deal could be finalised and who will be the new owner of the airlines. This is also going to tell from when it could operate in the market and serve the passengers of the region. This report has been given by the travel and tourism industry director.
Mandala airlines are serving the thirteen different domestic destinations around the region. This airline has suspended all its flights from the previous thirteen January as it is suffering from the debts problem.
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