Southern suburb is now going to experience a new airport which has been approved by the Beijing’s city government and it is to be scheduled and planed to be completed in the next upcoming five years. This airport is going to bear a total amount of forty million passengers which is considered to be the annual capacity of the airport as said by the airport management authorities. This has been said by the State media on Friday evening in an open press release.
Planners have proposed the new airport building to take the pressure of the international airport building. This airport has shown long delays at the peak travel times even though it has got a new terminal and a third runway which has been opened at the time of the Beijing Olympics. This special privilege has been offered to the passengers through their journey from 2008.
This year the preparatory work for the airport would start. This has been said by the state news agency Xinhua quoted Beijing mayor Guo Jinlong as saying. The first phase of construction would take the load of forty million passengers as said by the Beijing airport management authority.
74 million passengers are handled by the Beijing Capital International Airport last year.
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