The pilot of a small propeller driven aircraft got crashed in Germany show. This accident happened when the pilot was taking off the aircraft with opposite to air direction in north of the Bavarian city of Nuremberg on Sunday. This accident killed a forty six years lady She was the spectator of this show and several others are injured due to this accident this information has been provided by the local police.
Some of the spectators said that when they were drinking coffee suddenly tables and benches started flying and the front end of the propeller came in front of them. Some people said that before the woman was directly hitted by the propeller near about 38 persons were injured in which five are serious.
Police said that the reason of this aircraft crash is still unknown and it is under dark that why so old airplane has been taken for this demonstration. The 68 year pilot remained alive and he is not injured a little bit.
Police said that we have secured the plane and the plane will be released after a intense verification.
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