According to Virgin Atlantic they are going to pay the due fees which has been left over and with held over the part closure of London most important airport which is known as London’s Heathrow airport as of the last year after the airport operators said that now they can act for a legal action to recover the cash from the airlines which is known as Virgin Atlantic. The airlines have agreed very normally to pay the debts which are being a due on it. The concern of due is related with the landing and parking fees of the airlines which they have used for their purposes.
They have been threatened by the governing body which has said that they may take serious steps in regard with the recovery of cash from the concerned airlines which has used these services. They said that they will take all the appropriate measures and steps to recover the debts which are a due on several airlines. The outstanding sums will be recovered by the recovery authority at any cost as said by the British airlines in a statement on Friday. One Day snowfall has changed the schedule of vacations of thousand of travelers who where in a process to enjoy there winter vacations as well as their Christmas holidays too.
Heavy snowfall and bad weather has paralysed the travel and tourism industry due to which the Heathrow airport has also been affected by the economical status of the management authority.
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